It is a condition that occurs due to eating contaminated food. Food can get contaminated with bacteria, viruses, parasites, or some chemicals.
1) BACTERIA – Staphylococcus, streptococcus, clostridium botulinum, shigella, salmonella typhi, E. Coli.
2) VIRUSES – Norovirus, Rotavirus, Hepatitis A virus.
3) PARASITE- Toxoplasmosis gondi, Giardia lamblia.
These organisms can infect any food particle to cause food poisoning but the most common food which gets infected by these organisms are –
Beef, chicken, meat, pork, fish, shellfish, eggs, salad, vegetables, milk, and milk products.
Sometimes the cook can be suffering from the above-mentioned infective organism and that person can lead to transmitting the infection to other people through food cooked by him or her.
Vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, and loss of appetite are the most common symptoms of food poisoning.
In severe cases, patients can present with dehydration, weakness, fever, bloody diarrhea, and paralysis.
History taking is very important especially if the patient has eaten any food outside like from restaurants or food stalls within 24 to 48 hours after which started developing the symptoms.
Management of Food poisoning-
Apart from history taking other investigations include stool and vomitus tests.
The rectal swab is also an important test.
If possible the food particle which is suspected to have caused the infection should also be sent to the lab to test for infective organisms.
The person who prepared the food should also undergo a test to check if food poisoning occurred due to the cook.
Haemoglobin and electrolytes are checked if the person is suffering from bloody diarrhea or excessive vomiting.
MRI OR CT BRAIN should be done if the patient is showing symptoms or developing symptoms of paralysis.
1) Oral rehydration solution (ORS) is very important as the patient can lose water and electrolytes due to vomiting and diarrhea.
2) Antiemetic medicine can be given to stop vomiting.
3) Antibiotics play an important role if the person is suffering from bacterial infection.
4) Antipyretic such as paracetamol is given if the patient is suffering from fever.
5) If hemoglobin levels are low then the doctor can plan for a blood transfusion.
6) If paralysis develops then proper neurological evaluation and treatment should be done.
Food poisoning can be easily prevented if we are careful and follow some basic rules such as :
1) Don’t wash meat with your hand instead you can directly put it in warm water before handling it with your bare hand.
2) We should buy meat from clean places and try to buy fresh meat.
3) Always store uncooked and cooked food separately as contamination can occur if kept together.
4) Always keep the flies away from the kitchen.
5) Wash the vegetables nicely before cooking.
6) Cook the meat or vegetables properly as bacteria and viruses can survive on half-cooked meat which can lead to food poisoning.
7) Always use clean water for cooking purposes.
8) Don’t eat food from unhygienic food stalls or restaurants.
9) Keep the kitchen and utensils clean.
10) Don’t use medicine such as PPI which people generally use in case of gastritis without a doctor’s prescription because these medications can lower acidic levels in our stomach to very low levels and then these acids will not be able to kill bacteria or viruses in food coming to our stomach which can lead food poisoning.
11) If someone is suffering from food poisoning then they should not cook or handle food because they can transfer infective organisms to others through food.
12) Always wash your hand nicely with soap before eating food.
13) Don’t eat food that is not stored properly.
14) Salad should be cleaned nicely and steamed if possible before eating.
15) Keep the dustbin away from the cooking and dining area.